A method of estimation of the caloric value of the biomass. Part II – energy balance of biomass production
When establishing a plantation of energy crops, a number of decisions regarding planned technology and plant selection should be made. Using the complex calculation algorithms, it is possible to determine the amount of energy needed to establish, run and liquidate the plantation. An analysis of the technological process and the specifics of the examined plants allows to determine the set of the most important features determining the yield size, and ultimately the energy efficiency of the planned production. When conducting field production, the influence of climatic conditions should also be taken into account, for example using a hydrothermal coefficient. The most difficult element of the planned project is to determine the size of the expected yield. Using the above relationships, a mathematical model can be used which, while maintaining the range of the system variables, allows to determine the amount of the expected energy value of the crop.
Copyright (c) 2018 Tomasz Piskier, Małgorzata Smuga-Kogut
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