A method of estimation of the caloric value of the biomass. Part I – biomass energy potential

  • Tomasz Piskier Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Agrobiotechnology, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland
Keywords: biomass, energy efficiency of biomass production


The caloric value of the crops is one of the fundamental parameters to be determined during the process of biomass production for the energy purposes. The variety of biomass and its reaction to the environmental and agrotechnical conditions forces the utilization of particularly accurate algorithms during the determination of the caloric value of the crops. While determining the caloric value of the directly combusted crops, the coefficients for the raw state caloric value should be used. Violation of this rule causes significant overestimation of the end-results. Using the biomass for the biogas production, the energy balance should take the methane into account. The literature data shows quite a big difference in gas production from various substrates (from 368 up 722 Ndm3 per kg of dry mass) as well as a significant difference in the methane content (from 53 up to 76%). While planning the substrates selection for a biogas production plant, special attention should be put on proper estimation of the overmentioned coefficients.


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Author Biography

Tomasz Piskier, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Agrobiotechnology, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland


Tomasz Piskier received MSc (1990) and PhD (1997) in Agronomy at Szczecin University of Agriculture. Started academic career in 1990 at Szczecin University of Agriculture. Since 1998 works at Koszalin University of Technology. In 2012 received a postdoctoral degree in Agricultural Engineering at Warsaw Institute of Technology and Life Science. Currently, the professor at, and the head of the Department of Agrobiotechnology. His interest cover effectiveness of the renewable energy sources and farming systems. Author and co-author of 72 scientific articles, 4 books and handbooks, and over 20 popular-science articles. Holds 2 patents and participated in 4 national research programs.

How to Cite
Piskier, T. (2017) “A method of estimation of the caloric value of the biomass. Part I – biomass energy potential”, Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, 1(2), pp. 189-194. Available at: https://jmee.tu.koszalin.pl/ojs/index.php/jmee/article/view/40 (Accessed: 24February2025).
Energy Engineering