A methodology of wind turbines selection for the given wind conditions

  • Michał Jakubowski Windhunter s.c. ul. Morska 18 75-221 Koszalin
  • Łukasz Mech Windhunter s.c. ul. Morska 18 75-221 Koszalin, email: mj@windhunter.com
  • Katarzyna Wolniewicz Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energetics, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland
Keywords: wind power, wind conditions, wind turbines


The following paper presents a methodology of wind turbines selection with a axis of rotation based on measurements of wind conditions specific for the wind power sector. Basic properties and characteristics used in the wind power sector, as well as a proper measurement campaign along with determining the necessary instrumentation and the methodology of its use, are the basic parameters that determine the decision of wind farm investment. The main goal of those activities is to gather the accurate meteorological data in sufficient amount using a measurement tower situated at a possible future location of a wind farm. This method is used to identify the direction, speed, gust and energy of the wind. Measurements were made in northern Poland using a measurement system based on a 80-meter-high telescopic mast. The system was equipped with instrumentation necessary to measure and record the basic wind parameters, and was made by the Windhunter Serwis Ltd. Company headquartered in Koszalin. The reliability of measurements was verified using the statistical methods based on the Weitbull’s distribution and the windrose. Thus, the energy potential of the raw air stream was determined with a possible future use in a wind farm sitting.


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Author Biographies

Michał Jakubowski, Windhunter s.c. ul. Morska 18 75-221 Koszalin


Michał Jakubowski received his M. Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering (specialisation: Operation of the motor vehicles) from Mechanical Faculty, Technical University of Koszalin in 2003. In 2014 he completed postgraduate studies at the University of Gdańsk in scope of the company’s management controlling. His professional career remains firmly linked with management, sales and marketing. He currently works as a business development manager in Windhunter group.

Łukasz Mech, Windhunter s.c. ul. Morska 18 75-221 Koszalin, email: mj@windhunter.com


Łukasz Mech received his Engineering Degree in Energetics with specialisation in renewable energy from Mechanical Faculty, Technical University of Koszalin. His professional career was built on UK, UAE and Kuwait markets. At present remains firmly linked with international sales and business development. He currently works as managing partner at Windhunter global export – part of Windhunter group.

Katarzyna Wolniewicz, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energetics, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland


Katarzyna Wolniewicz has completed her MSc degree in Economic and also is PhD candidate at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Koszalin University of Technology. Her research interests are focused on infrasound, audible noise, fluctuations of acoustic pressure level in environment, multiscale analysis and modelling. She is an author and a co-author of over 10 scientific publications and oral presentations on international and national conferences.

How to Cite
Jakubowski, M., Mech, Łukasz and Wolniewicz, K. (2017) “A methodology of wind turbines selection for the given wind conditions”, Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, 1(2), pp. 171-178. Available at: https://jmee.tu.koszalin.pl/ojs/index.php/jmee/article/view/38 (Accessed: 7March2025).
Energy Engineering