An investigation of heat transfer coefficient during refrigerants condensation in vertical pipe microchannel

  • Tadeusz Bohdal Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energetics, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland
  • Marcin Kruzel Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energetics, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland
  • Małgorzata Sikora Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energetics, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland
Keywords: Heat Transfer Coefficient, Pressure drop, heat flux density, microchannel, vapor quality


This article presents the results of experimental research of R404A, R407C and R410A high-pressure refrigerants condensation in vertical pipe microchannels with an internal diameter dw below 1 mm. The study determined the local and average heat transfer coefficient in the full range of vapor quality, x = 1-0. On the basis of experimental investigations, the dependence of heat transfer coefficient on the vapor quality x, the mass flux density G and the channel internal diameter dw was obtained.


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Author Biographies

Tadeusz Bohdal, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energetics, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland


Tadeusz Bohdal is the author of more than 300 scientific and technical publications (domestic and foreign), 10 books and over 100 documented studies for business entities. He directed 6 MNiSWW and NCN grants, promoted 8 doctors, is the author of numerous qualification testimonials, research grants and academic papers. He is a member of the Committee of Thermodynamics and Combustion of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Scientific Committee of the monthly “Chłodnictwo” and a scientific consultant of the monthly “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technique”. He is also an expert of SIMP and an expert at Koszalin District Court in the field of heat and heat measurement and refrigeration. He has promoted more than 200 engineers and engineering masters in the field of Machine Building and Engineering and Agricultural and Forestry Engineering (specializations: Thermal Power Engineering and Refrigeration, Food Processing and Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Engineering and Management, Food Engineering, Food Processing Technology).

Marcin Kruzel, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energetics, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland


Marcin Kruzel received his M.Sc. degree in Economics at the Institute of Economics and Management of Koszalin University of Technology (2008). Until 2010 academic and didactic staff of the Institute of Economics and Management. Currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Mechanics of Koszalin University of Technology. In his work he deals with refrigeration and the economic and technical aspects of using renewable sources of energy. He is an author of 18 papers printed in national and international magazines. Since 2016 works as a scientific specialist at Laboratory of Energetics in Koszalin University of Technology

Małgorzata Sikora, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Energetics, Koszalin University of Technology, Raclawicka 15-17, 75-620, Koszalin, Poland


Małgorzata Sikora received her M.Sc. degree in Environmental Engineering (specialization: Heating and air conditioning) and next Ph.D (with honors) degree in Machinery Construction and Operation from Koszalin University of Technology, in 2008 and 2011 respectively. Since 2011 she has been an assistant in the Department of Heating and Refrigeration Engineering at the Koszalin University of Technology. Currently she works as an assistant professor in Department of Power Engineering. Her scientific interests concern a heat and flow phenomenon during refrigerants condensation, refrigeration, heat pumps, etc. She has participated a in 4 national research projects, 1 international education project (Tempus Energy). She presenting results of her work at 4 international and numerous national conferences, she published 4 articles in journals from the Philadelphia list and 15 articles in national magazines and 46 papers printed in national and international conferences materials. Dr. Eng. Małgorzata Sikora is also coauthor of 1 monograph published in English, and 1 didactic textbook.

How to Cite
Bohdal, T., Kruzel, M. and Sikora, M. (2017) “An investigation of heat transfer coefficient during refrigerants condensation in vertical pipe microchannel”, Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering, 1(2), pp. 163-170. Available at: (Accessed: 23February2025).
Energy Engineering